Multi-servers installation

Add a worker node

🚨 This section pertains to clustering Blurit On-Premise. If you would like more information about it, please contact our customer services.🚨

Before joining the manager machine, you need to open some ports:

  • TCP port 2377 for cluster management communications

  • TCP and UDP port 7946 for communication among nodes

  • UDP port 4789 for overlay network traffic

Get Join-token on manager machine:

docker swarm join-token worker

Replace <worker-token> with the actual token obtained from the previous command, and <ip-of-manager-machine> with the IP address or hostname of the manager machine. This command will join the worker machine to the swarm cluster.

Join the swarm cluster on the worker machine (

docker swarm join --token <worker-token> <ip-of-manager-machine>:2377

Add label to node

Add a label allow to chose the machine to deploy the workers. For multiple machine installation, it's mandatory for a smooth deployment.

This command display every node present on the swarm cluster:

docker node ls

Add a label to a node:

docker node update --label-add blurit-worker-<number of the machine> <node-name>

Replace <machine-number> with the appropriate number for the machine, and <node-name> with the name of the node. This command adds a label to the specified node, which will be used for deployment purposes.